May 5, 2024
Knowledge Trademark

What Does Class 035 Mean for My Trademark?

class 035

What Does Class 035 Mean for My Trademark?

Your best strategy for creating a solid brand is trademarking. The immense amount of energy and resources you invest in your enterprise are far too valuable to remain unprotected. The Nice classification 035 encompasses retail and wholesale sales, advertising and marketing, certain types of consulting services, and much more.

Class 035 has limitations, ambiguities, and subjective anomalies like all other trademark classifications. Navigating the intricacies of any category can be daunting, especially for the uninitiated.


Class 035, according to the letter WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)

Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. 

Explanatory Note

Class 35 includes mainly services rendered by persons or organizations principally with the object of:

  1. help in the working or management of a commercial undertaking, or
  2. help in the management of the business affairs or commercial functions of an industrial or commercial enterprise, as well as services rendered by advertising establishments primarily undertaking communications to the public, declarations or announcements by all means of diffusion and concerning all kinds of goods


Fortunately, Trademark Factory® experts have extensive experience and training in all aspects of the Nice Classification System, and you are here to learn more of what they understand.

Success comes down to how well the examiner comprehends your usage, your ability to advocate your position, and careful attention to all the details in your application and throughout the process.

Achieving approval is not as straightforward as a blueprint or the precision of a CNC. There are always subjective considerations, and the reality is that the disposition of a particular examiner may have the most impact.

The Ins and the Outs

Many business-to-business activities fall under the Class 035 heading. It is essential to understand that this classification covers services provided to other businesses, not those you do for your brand and products.

For example, Advertising Services is a Class 035 function that virtually every business employs. However, only the work done for clients qualifies as a Class 035 activity. Self-advertisement does not meet the classification criteria.

This concept is a foundational element of Classification 035 that is relevant in all categories.

Retail and Wholesale

Whether brick-and-mortar or online, wholesale and retail sales are a primary category in Class 035, your 035 trademark means that you can sell your products and other merchandise through your stores, and no one else can open another store under that name.

Think of Walmart, Amazon, or any other name-brand retailer.

However, Class 035 will not prevent someone from using your name to sell their merchandise. To protect your product, you would likely want a Class 025 designation for that line of products.

Are you beginning to see the importance and value of trademarking your brand and products?

Advertising Services

If it relates to advertising, public relations, content creation, management, or virtually any other form of public communication for business purposes, it fits within the Class 035 description.

Graphic design, direct mail advertising, distribution of samples, market studies, modeling for advertisements, and almost anything else you might think of in these regards are part of class 035.


The Class 035 designation limits consulting to the areas of business management and organization. Consultancy trademarks are generally assigned by their subject matter. For instance, intellectual property consultants are class 45, Internet security is class 42, and finances fall within class 36.

Class 035 is appropriate if your consultancy focuses on the general development of the overall business. If you are helping them to grow, determine the corporate structure, or develop programs and concepts to better their results, then Class 035 is what you want.


While The Nice Classification System does help to sort things out and keep international standards consistent, understanding the variables and intricacies is challenging, to say the least. The process can be overwhelming without sufficient experience, training, and resources and typically leads to failure.

Most individuals or companies don’t have trademark experts, even if they employ corporate attorneys. While larger enterprises may be confident in their resources and have sufficient funding to pursue trademark registration, few others do.

Sometimes it can seem as if you are in a game of three-dimensional chess while juggling chainsaws and walking on a bed of coals.

This reality is the impetus behind Trademark Factory®’s 100% moneyback guarantee of trademarking success. We are here to help you regardless of the scope and size of your business.

Contact us today and build a strong brand with loyal customers to achieve the success of your dreams.



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